Shinhwa is known as the longest-running idol in Korea. They have their own charms that made a lot of people fall deeply. Their variety sense are known well in the industry since they appeared in X-man, Love Letter and many programs in the past. They were keen to sacrifice their 'nice' image as we can see in their programs, include SNL Korea. Eric even let them to pull down his pant and revealed his underwear. Seriously SNL Korea was really too much for me. I laughed a lot but it was too dirty. Lol. /save me, I'm innocent/
In Shinhwa Broadcast first episode, Hyesung wore a big size sandal and decided to put down his image to be funny. Junjin was hilarious too because of his Invisible Man role. Luckily he wore a tank top after not wearing anything beneath the Invisible Man outfit. Eric also gave up his manly image in Shinhwa Broadcast. He dressed up as Ericsunnamun in Super Juniors episode, Ethilda in Fashion Show episode, and Etevie Wonder in MT episode. I cracked up really hard watching those episodes. He even blamed Minwoo for turning him into a woman. It was not only Eric blaming Minwoo, but Minwoo also blamed Eric for giving him the nickname, Special Stupid. Dongwan was said to be a witty guy, but in Shinhwa Broadcast he is known for his weird comment/gag and earned the nickname, Dong-hole (Donggumong). The CG was hilarious too. Andy was cute as always, but the Olympic episode was surprising. He transformed into a zombie and it was really creepy. His eyes were rolling terrifyingly at the same time as he attacked his hyungs. I'm sure all of Shinhwa fans will agree if they do another show like Shinhwa Broadcast. However their ages are suitable enough to be in a program like Return of Superman. Hehe.
Talking about how old they are now, I think it is the age of them to get married. Ah, they're old enough but are we ready? They were also asked a lot of times in some programs about the marriage issues. Eric said he wants to be the first to get married and he thinks that if one of them gets married, the other member will follow the path. Just like when they went to military service, Eric first and followed by the rest. We all know the day of their marriage will come sooner or later, just prepare our heart. Duh.
The other interesting thing about this dorky oppaeul is their relationship with the fans. Shinhwa and Shinhwa Changjos relationship is somehow different from any other idol-fan relationship. I remember reading a fan account saying that once Shinchang and GOD fans were involved in a fight and GOD fans won. While GOD said "Please dont fight." Shinhwa said, "Did you win? You lost? Why did you lose?!" There were a lot of fan account stories that made me laugh really hard. Dongwan ever mentioned that he lectured a fan and that fan never came back again to their dorm. A lot of them even hid away every time Dongwan appeared near their dorm. Shinhwa also often throws food from their dorm towards Shinhwa fans that were waiting outside their dorm hoping they would go home. It was a funny yet romantic relationship between Shinhwa and Shinhwa Changjo.
Indeed, people who do not know Shinhwa would think that they are a bunch of middle-aged men who are really serious about their life. Forget it. These oppadeul still like messing and fooling around, acting not like their age. They are really dorky and somehow weird, especially that leader oppa who really likes to behave beyond our imagination. People may think he is a serious and calm leader. Don't be deceived guys! He has a 4D personality which surprises a lot of people.
Being together for more than 18 years, their friendship is really no joke. They are more than just partner or friends, more likely a family. Hyesung, for example, sent flower for the member's parent on parents day. They helped and supported each other and that is really romantic of them. They said that they fought a lot in the past, even because of fart. Lol. That is why they are still able to be together. They don't hold grudge but just talk about it directly and even fought over it. That is Shinhwa. :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Shinhwa! pt.1 #23
I think I never write about Shinhwa here, so that's why this time I will tell you about Shinhwa. Hehe. The first time I know Shinhwa is more than a year ago (I think almost two years). I watched all episodes of EXO 90:2014 and on the third episode Lee Min Woo and Shin Hye Sung was the guest. I didn't focus too much on them because Sehun and Kai were way too cute in that episode /forgive me/. After a while, Bubuns said that she liked Shinhwa and she recommended me to watch their program, Shinhwa Broadcast, because it was really funny. It was Bubun again who successfully turned me into a Shinhwa fan. I was deeply in love with them because of their unique charm, especially Eric. Shinhwa broadcast was really hilarious. Their variety sense was jjang!
Shinhwa in Korean pop industry is the longest-running idol. Debuted in 1998, it was their 18th anniversary last March. I believe that their bond as a group is stronger than any other group. As we know a lot of members withdrawn from their group lately (Jessica, Minzy, Sulli, Jia, Lee Joon, Thunder, etc) and also a lot of idol group disbanded (Kara, 4minutes, Jewelry). It was really sad actually. But although many groups have fallen apart, Hyesung said that they never talked about disbandment before. Tha'ts how I realized that there is something special from Shinhwa. They are still active nowadays, even though they haven't made a comeback this year. They held a concert to celebrate their 18th anniversary last March with Shinhwa Changjo.
I might be biased (cause Im a fan) when writing this, but I have to tell you that Shinhwa is really an amazing group. They debuted in 1998 with Resolver and it was not a smooth debut. They did not gain popularity as expected. Fortunately their second album, T.O.P, was very success. In 2003, Shinhwa moved from SM Entertainment to another company because of the expiration of their contract. In fact, each member (except Dongwan) said they were offered an individual contract by SM, but they still want to stay in the group together. That is why they decided to move to another company and keep being together.
After they moved to another company, it was actually not that easy. They didn't have a right of their name, Shinhwa. I don't really understand the problem because it was complicated, but to be short, they weren't able to freely use the name Shinhwa for the past 17 years as a group. In May 2015 Shinhwa finally gained full rights to use the name Shinhwa after 12 years. I believe it was not a simple process to gain it. They even had to go to court against the company to fight for Shinhwa's name.
There were a lot of hardships that Shinhwa have been through. In the 4th album, Andy didn't participated because he had to go back to America due to his mother's illness. It was a hard time for Andy and also Shinhwa members. Junjin who is known with his bright personality even experienced panic disorder. Also Hyesung and Andy were once involved in a gambling scandal. I'm sure Minwoo and Dongwan ever experienced individual problems that were hard for them. Eric as a leader of course also had been through a lot of difficult time. But the fact that they are still in the industry, singing on the stage without changing any members is really a remarkable achievement. They are role models of junior groups, showing that 18 years without any change is possible to be achieved. A lot of people only know Shinhwa because of they are the longest-running idol, but Shinhwa is something more than that. They are people who always work hard, loyal and do not know how to give up, one more, they are people who always try to keep their promise with their fans. Shinhwa Changjo should be really proud of Shinhwa. Shinhwa-san!
Monday, June 27, 2016
The Power of Fangirl #22
A lot of people around me often look down on k-pop and k-drama lovers. They call us alay just because we like boy band and Korean dramas. That happens for a long time, even until now. One of my male friends often said bad things about K-pop and K-drama especially when we were caught fangirling in our campus area. I often involve in a never-ending argument and found it very tiring. So I decided just to let him talk whatever he want and curse secretly behind him. Lol.
Well, most of those people think that a real man in their definition is a man who acts like a man, in other word, manly man. In our country, it is a typical man who do not wear makeup, do not dance, do not hug other man or even kiss them. Heol. Anyway, many of them are actually manly men. They work out, play sports, and many other. I think when they hug each other it is how they express their bond. Even more they live together and spent hard times before debut together, so it is not strange for them to express it that way. Some fan girl might agree with me, but the problem is people around me dont agree. They keep saying that k-pop idols are gay or whatsoever. Im tired. Lol.
There are also some people out there, mostly girls who also teased (should I say it mock) us when we were discussing about the boyband at school or even screaming (fangirling mode on) in front the laptop watching the oppa's MV or whatever. They be like, "Korea again... alay." But then after months, years, they became a K-popers and K-drama lovers and I was like, "Look who was talking bad things about Korea." We call it karma. Duileh. Thus if you don't really like something, please do not talk bad about it. Who knows when you really hate K-pop you would watch DOTS and fell in love deeply with the Big Boss. Lol lol.
I just want to say to people out there who call us alay just because we like K-pop and K-dramas, do not ever look down on us. Fan girls, no matter alay we were, are loyal people. We are bold enough to defend our oppa from any bad comments that come from you guys. We always stand by our oppas side even though we know that they dont know we do (?). We are also people who are willing to sacrifice our time, energy and even money just to support our oppa. That's how kind and precious a fan girls heart is. Lol. So, don't you dare look down on us.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Fan War (My 1st One) #21
This is a really 'childish war' that usually happens between two fandoms, in this term K-pop fandoms. It typically happens when a person comments an article in such inappropriate way by talking bad about other groups or trying to compare their fav group with other group. It becomes a fan war when other fans from other fandom replying to the comment to defend their idol group. For some people, it is about the pride of their idol. Some of them act like they speak behalf of their fandom, but actually they often humiliate their own fandom by writing rude comments to other fans and their idols.
I once involved in a fan war. Well, actually it was not a fan war. I spent my night commenting in many articles saying that uri oppa is not wrong. It happened when Ikon released their light stick which the color was orange. SHINHWA's leader, uri Eric-oppa took action by writing on their facebook , addressing to any junior K-pop group if possible, try not using orange since it is used by SHINHWA and SHINHWA CHANGJO for 18 years. Then a lot of people (international fans) commented that Eric is childish, why Eric should say that, I used to like you before, do you own orange? So am I prohibited to wear any orange color in my body? Act like a senior, etc. I was reading those comments and I felt really really mad. I wasn't mad because of the color, but because they judge Eric like they really know the situation. (Ugh my anger is slowly rising now. Lol.) Eric is the CEO of SHINHWA company and I think it is really appropriate for Eric to speak on behalf Shinhwa members and the fans. Is it childish? Eric even wrote down his name on his post, showing that he himself was responsible enough to write that statement in their official facebook page. If he was childish, he wouldn't write his name, letting the post being anonymous. The comments were really childish because a lot of them comment like, you don't own that color. Cant I wear orange as my clothes or even underwear? Dont wear orange, guys. SHINHWA owns orange. I was laughing ironically. The issue was about official light stick color, not your underwear color, you silly. For Kpop group, color is their identity, their pride. I feel bad when people say it's only a color. No, it's not. It's more than that, guys.
The side effect of the fan war that I found it hard to sleep, my hearts beat faster and my anger was rising really high. It's not healthy, guys. I think most of us have a tendency to defend our fandom, but it is important to be wise. Try control our emotion before involving in a fan was which is somehow tiring and immature.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Understanding K-culture #20
Being a fan girl is not as easy as it looks like. It is not only about the boyband/girlband or the drama but more than that. We also have to understand the culture and language. There are a lot of case where international fans judge the Korean idols or fans because of their attitude or reaction towards something. A lot of them be like, "Why is he behaving like that? Korean netizen is too much, Why are they so butthurt?" or many comments like that. Well, all of us have a different view toward something and I'm sure that view is shaped by our culture. It is our culture which decides whether or not something is appropriate.
For instance, Baekhyun, Chanyeol or other EXO members call Kai, dark kid, a lot of international fan say that they are being racist towards Kai. Well, I think in Korea it is not racist. In my country, I think it is not really a big deal calling a person like that. A lot of people here call each other based on their appearance. Sometimes it is annoying, but it is something usual here. Lol. Thus, do not look at a foreign culture based on your culture.
In some situation, some international fans blame the Korean netizens for being overly sensitive. I think it is not because they are overly sensitive. It is more likely that the netizens think it is something inappropriate in their culture. It is not something that their culture can tolerate with. Well, I think that is the case. Hence, we have to consider a lot of things when commenting or viewing a situation. Don't just blame the Korean netizens. Try to view it from their perspective, their culture, not ours since it is a foreign culture. We are only a foreigner of their culture. I hope we can be a wise fan girl. Hehe.
Friday, June 24, 2016
International Fan Problem #19
I've been deeply into Korean pop and drama for many years, I guess 8 years. It was SHINee's MV, Ring Ding Dong, which turned me into a fangirl. I remember playing the MVs several times a day just to watch Keys face. Yes, I was a Lockets before I fangirl over Choi Minho. I spent my senior high school days as a SHINee fan. Fortunately it was not only me but there were also Upa and Taeri (Najongers) who also liked SHINee. After graduating from senior high school, I liked Big Bang then Exo. Now, I'm a SHINHWA and BTS fan. Ehehe.
As a person who has been fangirling for years, I'll tell you some problems that usually happen and bother us, international fan. Hehe. The first one is no subtitle when watching Korean programs. Luckily nowadays a lot of people include the fandom sub the videos, but back then it was somehow rare. So sometimes we have to wait for a long time or even just watching it without knowing what they say. Yes, we kinda use telepathy to know what our oppa is saying. LOL. So, I'm really grateful to all subbers out there who dedicate their time and energy just to sub the videos. It's really really really helpful. The second one is you have to spend a lot money, at least to buy internet package for downloading videos, dramas. I have to tell you, internet package for Korean fangirl is something crucial. It's better not to buy new clothes rather than being kudet. It becomes more essential since I become a BTS fan. They often release videos and I feel like I'm really kudet if I don't update their news. You also have to spend a lot of money buying their albums, dvds, merchs. Third, it's really hard to see our oppa. You need to spend money (again) to be in their concert or fanmeeting. It is harder when you live far away from the capital city of your country. Hiks. I envy Korean fans that bump into the idols on street/café/shop and took a selca or ask for their sign. It's really sad.
Those are the main problems I think. I'm sure there are more. Can I ever watch their concert, meet them, take a selca or even stare at their face? Heol. Hahaha let's start saving.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Trio Najong #18
Kemarin ada yang nanya ke gue, apa sih trio najong? Kalau ada yang udah baca FF trio najong (Debut, Ujian, Puitisasi Cinta Taeri) pasti udah tau ya Trio Najong. Sebenarnya trio najong itu nama geng alay cewek-cewek pecinta Korea (*eh). Jadi, kita dipertemukan di sebuah sekolah dan dekat karena kita sekelas dan juga sama-sama suka Korea. Dulu kita sama-sama fansnya SHINee. Upa biasnya Onew, Rury biasnya Taemin dan gue biasnya Minho. Upa juga yang ngasih nama Minsa untuk gue, saking pasarannya nama Nisa. Nah, setelah tamat dan terpisah, entah kenapa gue jadi kepikiran buat FF untuk mereka. Saking bosannya gue waktu libur mungkin ya. Di FF pertama, Debut, gue cerita soal pembentukan girlband dan tercetuslah nama Najong. Akhirnya sampai sekarang udah klop deh nama Trio Najong.
Kalau kalian udah baca, kalian pasti ngerti deh betapa najongnya kita. Aslinya sih gak se-najong dan se-hina itu sih. Tapi yah, mirip lah kelakuan kita. Upa orangnya emang yang paling logis dan kadang suka baper. Eh. Taeri orangnya random dan agak-agak waras. Sementara gue, yah, sebenarnya gak sehina itu sih. Walau sekarang kami bukan fans garis kerasnya SHINee, tapi masih suka Korea. Apalagi gue dan Rury kembali dipertemukan di satu fandom yang sama, ARMY. Makanya gue gak bisa gak suka sama SHINee, karena gue dekat sama mereka salah satu alasannya karena SHINee.
Sebelum kalian baca FF Trio Najong yang manapun, gue ingatkan efek sampingnya ya, kalian bisa mual-mual, muntah, mules, kejang-kejang (mulai lebay) dan sederet efek samping lainnya. Sehina itukah? Yah, meskipun hina banget FF-nya, tapi cuma disitulah kami bisa bersatu dengan para bias (duh kenapa rasanya ngenes ya? LOL.) #internationalfanproblem. Satu lagi, maafkan karena telah menistakan kalian ya, cast lain. Kalian pasti kuat kan? Hehe
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Stop Growing Older #17
Did you ever feel like you want to stop growing up or stop getting older? Yes, I think about it a lot of times. I feel like I want to stop getting older and growing up. Maybe when we were young we think that being an adult is really cool. You can do whatever you want, buy whatever you want, eat whatever you want but the truth is being an adult is not that cool. There is a big responsibility that you have to carry. There is a burden that you have to bear.
I keep on thinking, after I graduated later, what shall I do? Will I still live here, with my parents? Or just go somewhere else to continue my study? Does it mean that I have to live apart from my family? What will I do if I dont know what to do after graduating? Can I just stop growing and live like this forever? Or should the time just stop so that I can still enjoy my youth? Life is only once and a lot of opportunity only comes once.
I feel like I'm nagging or complaining about my life. I'm sure that most people will be in a state where they think deeply about their life. Hehe. Well, the only solution available is just let everything flow. Fhew, growing is never easy.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Jilbab-in Hati? #16
"Kenapa gak berjilbab?"
"Jilbab-in aja hatinya dulu. Masa pakai jilbab tapi kelakuannya kayak gitu?"
Sering gak sih dengar kalimat-kalimat seperti itu? Pernah merasa gak kalau jawaban itu gak logis? Ya, gue sering berpikir kalau kalimat jilbab-in hati dulu itu lucu. Dalam al-Quran jelas-jelas perintah Allah adalah menutup aurat yang artinya jilbab-in kepala. Gue ingat guru Fiqh gue di MAN pernah bertanya, Kalian pilih mana, perempuan berjilbab tapi nakal atau perempuan tidak berjilbab tapi baik? Teman-teman sekelas pun heboh. Ada yang memilih pilihan pertama dan ada juga yang setuju dengan pilihan kedua. Guru gue pun menjawab, Perempuan berjilbab tapi nakal. Alasannya pun sederhana namun menurut gue tepat menohok hati (?): jilbab adalah kewajiban seorang muslimah. Menutup aurat itu perintah Allah. Kenapa berbuat baik sementara perintah Allah diabaikan? Tapi sebaik-baiknya perempuan ya, yang menutup aurat, baik dan salehah sih ya.
Makanya rada sebel sama yang selalu bilang, jilbab-in hati dulu. Bukannya mau bilang kalau kalimat itu salah. Tapi bukannya lebih baik jilbab-in kepala dan hati sekalian? Jilbab itu selain untuk menutup aurat, menurut gue sebagai pengingat dan pengendali kelakuan. Udah pakai jilbab aja sering lalai, gimana kalau gak pakai jilbab. Gue bukannya merasa benar dengan memakai jilbab, soalnya kelakuan gue kayak gini aja. Panjangnya jilbab gue juga bukannya udah benar. Masih banyak hal juga yang perlu diperbaiki dari diri ini. Tapi semoga dengan mengenakan jilbab, kelakuan ini masih bisa terkendali. Malu sama jilbab! Hehe. Semoga tiap harinya kita jadi manusia yang lebih baik yaaaa. Semangaaaat!
Monday, June 20, 2016
Jilbabers Story #15
Well, I started to wear jilbab when I was a first grader. Actually, it's not easy to wear jilbab in a non-moslem society. But, because of the city where I lived has a big number of moslem, jilbab wasn't a strange thing there. My father told the school that I was going to wear jilbab. School said I could wear it as long as it doesn't disturb my activities at school. I remember that only me and my best friend from Malaysia wore jilbab at my class. My mother even made a similar jilbab for both of us. I also remember that one of my teacher also wore jilbab.
Since then, I always wear jilbab. When I came back to Indonesia, I entered a public school near my house. Interestingly there was actually no student wearing jilbab. Jilbab back then was not as popular as now. Not too many people wearing it, but I did expect a lot when I came here because Indonesia has the biggest number of moslem in the world. But since I entered that school, a lot of students start wearing it too. I was glad that I wasn't the only one.
Some people might think that we receive any kind of bad treat living as moslem in the foreign country. Since I was too young, I can't remember clearly. But, I'm sure nothing bad happened. There are a variety of ethnic, nationality even religion in that city that lived in peace. I learned one thing about it, the more diverse the society is, the more tolerant we become. Do you agree? Hehe.
Since then, I always wear jilbab. When I came back to Indonesia, I entered a public school near my house. Interestingly there was actually no student wearing jilbab. Jilbab back then was not as popular as now. Not too many people wearing it, but I did expect a lot when I came here because Indonesia has the biggest number of moslem in the world. But since I entered that school, a lot of students start wearing it too. I was glad that I wasn't the only one.
Some people might think that we receive any kind of bad treat living as moslem in the foreign country. Since I was too young, I can't remember clearly. But, I'm sure nothing bad happened. There are a variety of ethnic, nationality even religion in that city that lived in peace. I learned one thing about it, the more diverse the society is, the more tolerant we become. Do you agree? Hehe.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Sampah Everywhere #14
Sampah everywhere. Jalanan yang dulunya bersih tanpa sampah, justru sekarang penuh dengan sampah. Tiap sekian meter, pasti jumpa tumpukan sampah yang benar-benar menyebalkan. Diperparah lagi dengan sebagian orang yang suka mengorek-ngorek sampah. Sudahlah kotor, malah jadi semakin semrawut. Padahal kota ini langgangan piala adipura tiap tahun, tapi kalau keadaannya sekarang seperti ini, apa masih pantas menerima adipura?
Penyebabnya ternyata karwayan perusahaan pengangkut sampah mogok kerja karena gaji yang belum dibayarkan selama dua bulan. Akibatnya sampah menumpuk karena gak ada yang mengangkut sampah ke TPA. Karena itulah selama beberapa minggu belakangan, gak aneh melihat tumpukan sampah di jalanan kota. Merusak lingkungan dan merusak pemandangan. Kontrak dengan perusahaan itu pun diputus dan kabarnya karena belum juga teratasi pihak Pemprov ikut membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan ini. But, tadi juga masih banyak tumpukan sampah di jalanan.
Yah, semoga masalahnya cepat selesai dan gunungan sampah menghilang dari jalanan. Amin.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
TYPO #13
"Bisa, nanti tolong..."
Itu salah satu typo yang sangat sering diketik temen gue, sebut saja Pesek. Konon typo nya si Pesek ini bisa sampai berkali-kali dalam sekali chat. Gue, sebagai temen yang baik, tentunya memaklumi kelakuannya ini karena huruf B dan N di keyboard deketan sih. Hahaha.
Seringkali typo terjadi karena proses mengetik yang cepat tanpa dibaca ulang alias editing. Diperparah lagi dengan adanya fitur auto-correct, maka terjadilah salah ketik atau istilahnya typo. Gue pribadi sih jarang typo karena seringnya dibaca ulang sebelum dikirim. Tapi kalau udah semangat nge-chat dan temen chat-nya laju banget, typo sering juga terjadi.
Yah typo itu menurut gue sih hal yang biasa terjadi di dunia per-chat-an (istilah apa ini?). Tapi kalau dalam konteks resmi, seperti dalam surat, buku, ataupun skripsi, yang namanya typo bisa fatal juga sih. Revisi contohnya. Duhhh.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Kecewa #12
Niatan sih mau foto kelas sama kelas A, tapi apalah daya Bukannya gak jadi, tapi hasil benar-benar mengecewakan. Kitanya juga bayar gak murah. Lumayanlah untuk dua kali makan di kantinnya Kak Emo. Padahal udah dikasih tau ke mbak/mas-nya kalau kita maunya latar putih aja. Mbak/mas-nya bilang, kalau latar putih takutnya jadi mati soalnya kita juga pakai baju hitam-putih ala ujian (atau sales) dengan jilbab warna pastel. Akhirnya kita setujunya warna latarnya itu satu warna, boleh abu-abu. Tapi ternyata hasilnya 100% mengecewakan. Editannya gak sebanding dengan uang yang kita keluarkan. Latarnya juga jauh dari apa yang udah kita sepakati.
Untungnya yang ambil foto itu orang-orang adem semacam gue yang udah terkalahkan dengan teriknya siang Ramadhan. Kita juga takut adu mulut segala macam yang nanti ujung-ujungnya bikin sakit hati dan batal puasa.
Alhasil begitulah jadinya. Saking gimananya itu foto, gue malu upload dimana-mana. Maka dari itulah, gue ingin semester depan kita foto ulang. Pertimbangan utama kita milih studio foto itu yang pertama karena dekat dan yang kedua hasil foto yang dipajang di dindingnya juga bagus-bagus, simple dan sama sekali gak norak. Tapi kita dikecewakan hiks.
Next semester kita foto lagi ya, kawan-kawan.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Kisah Per-Karaoke-an Comel #11
"Pergi karaoke yok!"
Itu kalimat yang paling menyenangkan kalau lagi pegang uang banyak. Tapi sebenarnya sih ada ataupun gak ada uang, karaoke jadi pilihan comels buat senang-senang. Kapan lagi bisa ngerasa punya suara mirip Raisa kalau bukan di ruang karaoke? Dimana lagi bisa teriak-teriak, nari-nari bebas ala anak-anak alay kalau bukan di karaoke? Tapi dari 8 orang, cuma 2 yang gak pernah mau ikut nyanyi-nyanyi alay ala comels. Kenapa? Entahlah. Mungkin mereka lelah lihat kelakuan yang lain.
Kalau bisa dibilang karaoke itu salah satu hiburan anak kuliahan yang kere dan gak punya uang buat main ke mall atau sekedar nonton. Pen ngakak. Tapi kalau dibandingkan ke mall, karaoke jauh lebih hemat karena bayarnya pun bareng-bareng. Kalau untuk Aulia sih, ruang karaoke itu tempat tidur siang yang nyaman dan murah. Ber-AC pula. Kalau untuk (kita sensor ya namanya) mahasiswi bernama Ang*un, Ev* dan Auli*, tempat karaoke itu tempat untuk mencukupi kebutuhan tisu harian di rumah. Maklum, anak kos. Kadang miris sih, soalnya harga tisu cuma tiga ribu doang. Tapi mereka kelihatan senang banget kalau udah gitu.
Dari 6 ekor, eh, 6 orang anggota comels, ada 6 style nyanyi berbeda ketika mereka di ruang karaoke. Tipe pertama, inisial Aulian*. Ini jenis manusia yang menghabiskan uangnya demi tidur nyenyak di ruangan ber-AC. Tapi sering juga sih ikutan nyanyi. Dia spesialis lagu melayu dan lagu lawas. Kalau udah diputerin lagu dangdut, kepribadian dia sebagai Ibong pun keluar. Tipe kedua, jenis manusia bersuara indah yang hobinya nyanyiin lagu pop Indonesia zaman baheula, namanya Tr*sna. Selain lagu lawas, jagonya bawain lagu-lagu BCL, Maudy, Syahrini. Soalnya dia juga nge-fans gitu sama Syahrini, sampai ngaku punya fandom PTL alias Princess Tresna Lovers. Tipe ketiga, jenis manusia yang suaranya bagus dan cocok bawain lagu yang agak mendayu-dayu gitu, namanya Ev*. Susah sih sebenarnya gue menjelaskannya. Tapi suaranya itu melayu gitulah. Tipe keempat dan kelima, jenis manusia yang keduanya hobinya nge-list lagu yang akan dinyanyikan. Bedanya, tipe keempat ini akan me-list lagu-lagu Indonesia maupun Malaysia, sedangkan tipe keempat cenderung memilih lagu Korea, Malaysia dan lagu band alay kesukaan anak-anak SMP SMA. Tipe keenam, yaitu Ms. JK kembaran Raisa yang suaranya sebelas-dua belas (juta) sama Raisa, yaitu tipe yang paling suka hidupin vocal supaya suaranya nan indah gak terlalu kedengeran. Seringnya ya musik jadi beda kalau gak ada vocal-nya. Kesukaannya ya lagu Korea.
Lagu-lagu yang menurut gue berkesan selama kita karaoke itu adalah lagu Perdamaian yang video klip-nya ibu-ibu berseragam pegang alat musik beragam jenis. Subhanallah banget sebenarnya kita bisa menyanyikan lagu seperti itu di tempat karaoke. Sampai addicted banget sama itu lagu. Terus lagu-lagu Malaysia jadul yang video klipnya suka bikin ngakak. Lagu-lagu Korea juga sih banyak yang bikin kita ingat, apalagi lagu Ikon-nya anggun, Mian mian mianhaeeeee! sama lagu BTS-nya gue, I need you, guuurl! Lagunya Eva yang Kun Anta itu juga, Nurdin nasi padaaang~. Asli ngaco liriknya, cuma karena ada nurdin yang kebetulan nama rumah makan padang, jadilah lirik seperti itu.
Yah, banyak sih sebenarnya kisah per-karaoke-an Comels sebenarnya. Yang jelas sih, untuk mahasiswa yang kantong pas-pasan seperti kite orang, karaoke jadi hiburan pol melepas lelah dan menormalkan otak yang kurang stabil. Begitulah kami hahaha.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Telinga Berdenging #10
Bermula dari sakit flu yang belakangan ini sering banget menyerang gue, tiba-tiba telinga gue berdenging. Awalnya terasa agak sakit di bagian telinga sebelah kiri dan gue pun berpikir mungkin dengan tidur, sakitnya bakal hilang. Karena biasanya kalau sakit perut, sakit kepala atau apapun itu, alhamdulillah kalau dibawa tidur, sakitnya reda. Tapi ternyata tidak. Justru gue terbangun karena telinga gue mendadak berdenging kencang. Apalagi tengah malam sepi, yang ada cuma suara kipas angin. Jadilah itu dengingan terasa kencang sekali di telinga. Ditambah dengan sakit yang menurut gue gak bisa ditahan lagi, tidur gue pun terganggu. Sampai-sampai putar mp3 murattal dan diletakkan di dekat telinga supaya dengingnya gak terlalu terdengar.
Paginya, Ibu saranin gue supaya pergi ke THT. Tapi apalah daya, dokter THT yang paling dekat dengan rumah (padahal jaraknya jauh subhanallah) justru jam praktek nya malam. Telinga sakit, gue sendirian cari THT, ditambah lagi dokter THT nya cuma ada malamsudahlah. Perasaan gue mendadak mellow. Serasa sendirian di dunia yang kejam ini dan gak ada yang peduli penderitaan gue. Emang gitu sih ya kalau orang sakit, berasa drama queen.
Akhirnya setelah adegan nangis sendirian menahan sakit di kamar, gue dibawa ke dokter umum. Menurut dokternya, itu sakitnya karena flu. Jadi, saluran telinga dan hidung itu berhubungan. Intinya gitu sih. Gue pun dikasih obat pereda sakit (asam mefenamat), obat flu dan juga vitamin C supaya sakit di bagian telinga dan flu gue reda. Setelah obat pereda sakitnya gue minum, sakitnya memang hilang sama sekali. Tapi dengingnya masih terasa. Gue pun berpikir, mungkin kalau obatnya habis, dengingnya bisa hilang. Namun, setelah obat habis ternyata dengingnya belum hilang.
Gue pun memutuskan untuk ke dokter THT. Sedihnya itu dokter THT nya malam dan cukup jauh dari rumah, terlebih lagi gue disuruh pergi sendirian. Tapi gak apa sih, gue kan setrong. Asli ya deg-deg-an sebelum diperiksa dokter. Takutnya telinga gue kenapa-kenapa. Soalnya gue sempat gugling dan baca pengalaman orang-orang yang ternyata denging di telinga nya itu gak hilang-hilang dan pengobatannya lama. Belum lagi gue takut kalau-kalau uang yang gue bawa gak cukup, maklumlah pergi sendirian jadi parno-an.
Ternyata setelah diperiksa sebentar, dokternya bilang kalau gendang telinga nya agak ketarik (gue sih gak ingat persis dokternya bilang apa). Dokter juga saranin jangan minum es dulu ataupun berenang. Alhamdulillah gak kenapa-kenapa. Setidaknya gak separah yang gue bayangkan. Obatnya pun dikasih obat tetes, tapi tetesinnya justru ke hidung. Susah-susah nyesek pakai obat tetesnya.
Yah, begitulah pengalaman telinga berdenging. Alhamdulillah waktu itu kuliah sedang libur, jadi aktivitas gak terganggu. Cuma ya itu, niatan bantuin SEO malah gak jadi. Padahal udah janji mau bantuin adeknya. Hehe, maafkan ya dek. Semoga sehat selalu ya kitanyaaaa. Amin.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Kisah Semester 6 #9
Seperti yang udah gue tulis di postingan sebelumnya, semester 6 ini rasanya sesuatu sekali. Sebenarnya sama aja sih seperti semester-semester sebelumnya. Cuma agak lebih menyebalkan karena memikirkan KKN yang bakal menguras waktu libur semester ini. But, that's fine.
Kalau di-flashback kembali ke awal semester, ada banyak hal yang memorable banget. Mulai dari cepat-cepatan ngisi KRS tengah malam sampai terakhir kemarin berbuka bersama kelas A. Terasa banget kompaknya kita, meski sering bergeng-geng. Tapi menurut gue, kalian classmate yang benar-benar best lah!
Gue memulai semester 6 dengan liburan singkat yang jadi pengalaman pertama gue travelling. Kalau boleh dibilang sih liburan nekat, soalnya cuma berdua dengan Bubuns dan tujuannya pun ke negeri orang. Tapi alhamdulillah lancar karena Acuns dan Widy. Hihi.
Pulang liburan, mulailah bersiap mengisi KRS karena semester ini kita harus memilih kelas Micro Teaching yang jumlah kelasnya ada 6. Rebutan deh soalnya yah tau sendiri lah ya.
Setelah kegalauan mengisi KRS, dimulailah SEO. Niatan mau bantuin SEO, tapi apalah daya, baju SEO belum selesai dijahit. Hahaha. Gue pun terpaksa gak datang di hari pembukaan. Ghenie dan Tresna juga gak dateng soalnya Ghenie sakit sampai dirawat di rumah sakit dan Tresna, beberapa hari sebelum SEO, udah kita paketin ke Batam. Hahaha. Tapi kalau masalah kerjaan sih, aman karena tugas gue udah selesai. Cuma kasihan Aulia sih jadi LO sendiri di hari kedua debate. Tapi dia mah wanita setrong. Hari kedua SEO gue malah tepar, telinga gue mendadak berdenging dan sakit luar biasa sampai susah tidur. Sampai hari kesekian SEO barulah gue muncul. Di hari terakhir, tanpa planning, gue dan comels pun foto studio dengan baju SEO yang menurut gue subhanllah sih ya.
Pengalaman lain semester ini yaitu sehari ke Alam Mayang. Jarang-jarang loh kita wisata alam gitu. Soalnya kan di kota tercinta mana ada wisata alam. Lumayan menyegarkan mata dengan melihat pepohonan dan sungai (read: danau). Kita juga kasih surprise ulang tahun Anggun dan Fina dan sukses bikin mereka termehek-mehek haru. Benar-benar luar biasa kejutan mereka. Walau hadiahnya gak mahal, tapi effort nya kita yang bikin hadiah itu rasanya special sekali.
Selain itu, semester ini juga kita foto kelas, walau hasilnya amat-sangat mengecewakan. Padahal udah setuju editannya seperti ini, tapi ujung-ujungnya malah seperti itu. Jauh di luar ekspektasi. Jadinya kecewa. Padahal itu sekali-kalinya kita foto kelas. Semester depan pokoknya kita wajib foto kelas lagi. Biarin juga mahalan sedikit, yang penting hasilnya bisa dipajang dengan bangga. Kompaknya kita lagi, kemarin kita juga buka bareng. Meski gak semua yang ikut sih. Tapi senang bisa bersama-sama kalian, kawan-kawan.
Well, sebenarnya ada banyak hal yang bisa diceritakan dari semester ini. Not to mention kunjungan rutin ke Koro-koro alias karaoke gila kita laksanakan tiap beberapa kali sebulan. Ah, yang jelas semester ini berkesan sangat lah.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Goodbye, 6th Semester! #8
Hari ini hari ke-8 Ramadhan. Hari ini juga hari terakhir di semester 6. Rasanya bercampur aduk perasaan ini. Bisa dibilang ini semester terakhir sebelum jadi mahasiswa tua di kampus. Rasanya waktu cepat berlalu. Perasaan baru kemarin makin di kantin dan Aulia minta dibungkusin buat abangnya. Duh. Di semester depan udah praktek mengajar dan mulai laaah hari-hari menyusun proposal, skripsi dan seminar. I'm not mentally ready for that yet.
Jadi setelah tadi praktek drama, gue dan kawan-kawan pun mengurus syarat-syarat PPL. Sebenarnya sih syaratnya gak ribet, tapi karena belum tandatangan KRS dan lain hal sebagainya, rasanya ribet. Tapi alhamdulillah lancar dan selesai juga daftarnya.
Gue dan comels pun foto-foto di kampus karena gak bakal ketemu tiga bulan. Padahal mah bukan itu alasannya. Hahaha comels kan emang hobi foto, apalagi foto alay. Sedihnya gak ketemu tiga bulan, padahal sih tahun-tahun sebelumnya juga gitu. Tapi karena mau Kukerta jadi lain perasaannya. Berasa mellow dan gundah gulana hati ini. Beuuh. Tapi senang juga sih gak ketemu mereka lagi selama bulan puasa, soalnya mulut gue berasa kotor kalau udah ngoceh alay sama mereka. Bawaannya bikin batal puasa. Apalagi kalau udah mulai urusan bully-membully Aulia, Fina, Anggun. Hahaha. Maafkan mulut gue kawans.
Selamat liburan!
Sunday, June 12, 2016
BTS (Bangtan Boys) 3rd Anniversary! #7
It will be Bangtan's anniversary tomorrow! I think it's a special year for Bangtan because they do BTS Festa since a few days ago. So every midnight (10 PM here) they release something for ARMYs. The most impressive one is the song released on the first day sung by Jungkook and Rapmon! Yes, Rapmon really sing tho. I love the song which was made as a gift for ARMY. Jungkook's super sweet voice melts me the first time I listen to it (I can't sleep after that).
Then on the other day, they released Bapsae dance practice which is really really something! Jungkook was wearing a white shirt and makes my heart weak suddenly (?). Rapmon was also super cute wearing glasses and the highlight is... Suga's solo dance. He twerked! It really cracked me up.
I also like the Bangtan Bomb special edition. Those videos are taken on their debut day (hip hop era lol) so they really look young, especially Jimin Jungkook. They also released the group photos, self-written profile which is really funny, BTS radio with Syup DJ, and the BTS Party on VLive which needs coin if you want to watch it. I saw some videos and you know whaaaat? They performed something special! Jin and Rapmon performed dance which was really cool! Dance line, be nervous. Lol. Suga and Jhope sung a song. I have to say that Jhope was really great. V performed a rap. Jimin and the international playboy performed a sexy dance. LOL. Jungkook is really an adult now (why do I suddenly feel sad with this fact?).
Well, it's really a great way to celebrate their 3rd anniversary. I hope they will continue working on their music and dance, producing their own song. I know they will work even harder. Don't forget to be healthy. ARMY loves yaaaa, Bangtan!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Descendant of the Sun #5
This is my first time writing about a drama here, on ma blog. Well, I should tell you that this is my opinion. Whether you agree or not, it's none of my business. LOL. I'm saying this because there are a lot people out there who do not know how to appreciate other people opinions. You can't blame others when they have a different opinion.
I started watching this drama because there were a lot of articles on the internet about this drama. It was really a hot issue. Everyone on the internet was talking about Descendant of the Sun (DOTS). So, I decided to start watching the drama even though it wasn't completely aired until the last episode. Normally, I only watch a drama when it had already aired the complete episodes.
I enjoyed watching this drama. The theme and the setting of this drama are fascinating, I think. But, I feel like there is something...errr with this Song-Song couple. How should I say it? Well, in typical Korean dramas, the main characters do not fall in love that easy. I mean not in the first episode. Some of my friends say that it is possible since dr. Kang is really beautiful and Yoo Sijin is totally handsome. They might fall in love because of the visual of each other. But that's not a typical of Korean dramas. Rather than saying I do not like this couple, I just want to say that I prefer the Seo Dae Young-Yoon Myeong Joo couple. This couple is definitely the reason why I keep watching the drama till the end. They are really cute and their chemistry as a couple is no joke. I love this couple.
Personally, I think this drama is somehow overrated. The other drama, Come Back Mister, which was aired at the same time, received a lower rating than DOTS even though it has a good story line. Rain's acting in that drama is really daebak. I think I have to write a review about that drama too. Hehe. Over all, I think DOTS is a good drama tho. Better watch it.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Buka Bersama A Class #4
Akhirnya tahun ini terlaksana juga buka bersama warga kelas A 2013. Tahun lalu sebenarnya buka bersama kelas A ada juga, tapi karena suatu dan lain hal, buka bersamanya diadakan di kampus dan bawa makanan sendiri-sendiri. Dikasihtau nya juga mendadak, makanya gue sama sebagian teman-teman gak ikutan. But, tahun ini kita buka bersama.
Berhubung mata kuliah udah banyak yang selesai dan cuma sisa dua mata kuliah (untuk sebagian besar warga kelas A), kita pun memutuskan untuk mempercepat buka bersama-nya. Makanya diadakan di hari ke-empat Ramadhan ini. Tempat makannya juga disesuaikan dengan kantong mahasiswa-mahasiswa kere ini. LOL.
Jadilah warga kelas A, walau gak semua yang ikut, buka bersama. Makanan sih gak jadi masalah kalau udah ngumpul ramai-ramai. Menyenangkan bisa bubar sama kalian. Duileeeh. Sampai jumpa semester depan kawan-kawan. Semangaaaaat!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Captain America: Civil War #3
I remember writing a blog post about Avengers: Age of Ultron last year. So even it is too late, I will just share my thoughts about Captain America: Civil War.
I watched this movie with the same girls as last year; Au, Pina, Tyas plus Susan. We decided to watch a few days after it was released because one of my friends said it was fullbooked for a few days. I kinda not believing it, but since the cinema was just too far from home, we decided to wait a few days.
Then after patiently waiting, the day came. We bought the 3D tickets and I was like.. finally, I can watch it after waiting for a year or maybe two years since the Captain America: Winter Soldier. I really was excited.
After watching it, I can say that the movie was just too great. I love how the avengers assemble, but I hate the idea that they have to fight each other. Well in this movie we can see how much Steve loves Bucky. Stucky is real, guys! LOL.
Like any other Marvel, the funny lines cracked me up so bad. I remember that Spidey (which is too cute to be in the cruel war) said that he couldn't join Team Iron Man just because... he had a homework. Then even though I really hate this scene, but Sam and Bucky's reaction to Steve-Sharon kiss was really funny. Yeah, I hate that scene. Ant Man was also cute and funny as usual.
But actually I feel something missing. Maybe that's because I expected a super war, big fight among them. Also that guy who disguised as Bucky (who actually live in peace as a fruit seller hehe), I didn't really understand why he want them to come to the place where there are a few people like Bucky and even shot them on their head. But the main thing in this movie was the conflict between Captain and Iron Man. I believe it's a difficult decision for Captain as Bucky is his friend and Iron Man is his team.
Now, let's wait for another Marvel movies!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Pengendara Motor dan Raja Jalanan #2
Sebagai seorang pengendara motor yang lumayan taat aturan lalu lintas (ceileeeeh), seringkali sumpah serapah keluar dari mulut gue. Gak sampai yang mencarut sih ya, tapi tetap aja rasa kotor banget nih mulut. Gue juga bukannya pengendara motor yang sabar, ada kalanya gue juga nyelip sana-sini sambil merutuk. Selama beberapa tahun berkendara, ada banyak tipe pengendara yang bisa dibilang menguji kesabaran gue. Mulai dari pengendara paling hits yaitu ibu-ibu yang suka belok kanan padahal sign kiri, pengendara yang suka belok tanpa sign, pengendara yang suka rem mendadak, pengendara yang suka celingak-celinguk atau main hape, pengendara yang suka menerobos lampu merah dan pengendara yang suka melawan arus.
Tapi yang paling miris dan paling bikin hati ini sakit yaitu pengendara yang bawa anak kecil gak ber-helm atau bahkan bayi dan justru melawan arus dan menerobos lampu merah. Gue paling gak paham sama orang yang suka menerobos lampu merah. Bukannya mau bilang kalau gue taat peraturan lalu lintas ya, tapi apa gak bisa menunggu beberapa menit demi keselamatan nyawanya, apalagi nyawa orang yang diboncengin? Se-urgent apa sih kepentingannya sampai rela bertaruh nyawa, melanggar lampu merah? Entahlah, logika gue mungkin gak sampai kesana jadi gak bisa paham. Hehe.
Kalau kita bicara tentang raja jalanan, gue setuju kalau orang bilang ibu-ibu raja jalanan. Percaya deh kalau berurusan sama ibu-ibu, kita yang kelar meskipun mereka yang salah karena prinsipnya ibu-ibu selalu benar. Jadi meski mereka belok ke kiri tapi sign-nya ke kanan, harap maklum. Mungkin ada baiknya kita jaga jarak iring untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan. Raja jalanan kedua menurut gue adalah perempuan yang lagi PMS. Mereka gak akan segan-segan untuk meng-klakson, nyalip maupun memaki pengendara yang sebetulnya tidak salah apa-apa (pengalaman pribadi banget ini mah ahahaha). Jadi tolong maklumi aja jenis pengendara seperti ini, karena sebetulnya itu terjadi karena hormon mereka. Wkwk.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Marhaban ya Ramadhan! #1
Alhamdulillah dipertemukan lagi dengan Ramadhan tahun ini. Rasanya waktu berjalan cepat, tau-tau udah Ramadhan aja. Semoga amalan Ramadhan di tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya. Semoga juga puasanya lancar.
Mengingat dan menimbang postingan tahun ini rasanya yah begitu-begitu aja, padahal resolusi postingan pertama tiap tahun itu pasti harapan supaya rajin nulis, di bulan Ramadhan kali ini gue pengennya satu hari satu postingan. Bisakah? Hahaha entahlah. Tapi daripada gak ada kerjaan kan ya. Daripada mantengin oppa-oppa ganteng *eh, setidaknya ada hal bermanfaat yang gue lakukan di blog ini selama bulan Ramadhan. Jadi jikalau kiranya postingan-postingan setelah ini agak tidak jelas, penuh curhatan ataupun ratapan, mohon dimaklumi. Asal jangan penuh makian aja sih ya.
So, fix-lah. I'll challenge myself 1 post a day. Postingan ini bakal jadi postingan pertama. Semoga barokah lah postingan gue. Paling enggak buat gue nya sendiri haahaha. Well, I think that's all for this post. I hope I will be a better person this month. Jangan malas-malasan dan semangaaaaat! Semoga Ramadhan kita berkah ya.
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