

Saturday, April 30, 2016


Since BigHit release the Epilogue Forever Young MV days ago, I rarely woke up early morning. Even when I managed to wake up early for Subuh prayer, I went back to sleep and continued sleeping until 8 or 9 AM. It happens more than 10 days until this morning.
I couldnt sleep before 10 PM and even when 10 PM had passed, I still couldnt sleep. My hearteu also beats faster that made my condition even worse. I just spent those hours scrolling my timeline, checking whether or not there is something released. Rury told me that was called Twelvehitphobia, a fear of 12 KST thinking that BigHit will drop something.
Somehow I was glad that it was not only me who suffer from this twelvehitphobia. I bet a lot of ARMYs over the world feel the same, at least in Indonesia. As you know, Indonesias time is 2 hours later than Koreas. So, when BigHit release something at 12PM, in Indonesia it will be at 10PM. I feel glad that I dont have to be up all night waiting for 12PM.
Anyway, this is the last night before May 2nd. I hope something good come up tonight, an MV again, maybe?

Too Many Bangtan Theories

I've been an ARMY for a few months and Ive read too many theories about their HwaYangYeonHwa (The Most Beautiful Moment in Life) MVs. I feel like my brain and my hearteu will explode if Bangtan do not give any explanantion. You have to be responsible, Bangtan.

From all of Bangtan MVs, my favorite MV is the HYYH MVs: I Need U, Run. I love it so much because of many reasons that might be long enough to be written here. I thought it was only MVs without any specific meaning until I read a blog about it. All the HYYH MVs are connected to each other, include the epilogue.

After reading the blog, I was like: Am I too stupid to realize this? Or ARMYs are too much clever that they came up with such theories? So, since that day, I suspect every single scene and even words that show up in the MVs. I tried to connect these MVs from my perspective but actually it became more complicated. I mean my brain got complicated. Well, I never realize that there was such a connection between those MVs. It's really beyond my imagination because I just watched those MVs like other Kpop MVs. I enjoyed the music and the scene without thinking too much. That's why Bangtan is really something. They make ARMYs study and discover theories. LOL.

When we talk about people opinion and reasoning, of course it will vary from each other. ARMYs also have different viewpoint of these MVs. Some ARMYs believe that Jin was the only one who died, and others agree that Jin was the only one alive. From all of these theories, I'm just sure that Jin is the main character along V. I am sure about this because in I Need U ending scene, only V and Jin got the close up scene. Rapmon in some way is also suspicious. Some ARMYs said that he was actually a Grim Reaper. One more person who I have doubts about is Jimin. Remember the beginning scene of I Need U and ending scene of RUN? He is in the bathtub, burning something.

Well, these theories are too much complicated. That is why I am expecting a lot from their comeback this May, 2nd. Will they reveal everything? I am just afraid that they won't and everything will be full of twists and turn. Oh, whatever. LOL. I just wanna say thanks to Bangtan and BigHit for releasing this HYYH series. It is really wonderful and beautiful. The songs are well made and the MVs + theories are such a new thing in Kpop, at least for me. Ah, I also want to thank ARMYs because of such great theories. You guys are really amazing! Good luck for the comeback, Bangtan.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Sabtu kemarin, seperti yang udah di-planning jauh-jauh hari, gue dan comels menghabiskan weekend (padahal cuma hari sabtu) di suatu tempat terbuka di kota ini. Ahaha. Jarang-jarang loh kita nya jalan-jalan begini. Biasanya cuma pergi karaoke, nonton bioskop (yang ini jarang banget), makan-makan (yang ini juga paling nunggu traktiran) dan nongkrong di kampus (yang terakhir ini karena kewajiban sebagai mahasiswa yang bayar kuliahnya mehong).

Alhasil, jadilah kita bertujuh jalan-jalan ke Alam Mayang. Yah, kalau di Pekanbaru, tempat wisata alam mana lagi sih yang bisa dikunjungi? Kalau di Pekanbaru sih biasanya wisata kuliner atau wisata mall. Dengan membawa bekal, minum, tikar dan peralatan foto dan membayar tiket masuk tentunya, kita bertujuh pun menghabiskan waktu hampir setengah hari menjelajahi Alam Mayang. Lebih banyak sesi fotonya sih daripada menikmati alamnya. Selfie sana-sini, cekrek sana-sini. Biasalah anak kekinian. Ups.

Well, terakhir kali gue ke Alam Mayang kelas 9 SMP atau sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu. Banyak yang berubah tentunya. Sebagai pengunjung dan warga Pekanbaru tercinta yang butuh refreshing di alam terbuka, tsaaah, rasanya tempat seperti ini kalau gak dijaga dan dirawat baik-baik agak miris ya. Makanya jangan buang sampah sembarangan, meskipun bayar dan memang ada yang membersihkan, sadar diri aja untuk gak littering. Hahaha ceramah jadinya.

Comels, lainkali kita jalan-jalan lagi ya. Refreshing buat me-normal-kan kembali otak, pikiran dan hati. Iya, hati.