

Friday, January 13, 2017

Donor Darah - 1st experience

Sejak baca webtoon tentang personality golongan darah, gue jadi berpikir sebenarnya golongan darah gue apa sih. Jadi, dulu waktu SMP pernah cek golongan darah dan hasilnya AB. Waktu itu yang periksa kawan sendiri di acara EXPO sekolah. Nah, ketika di MAN (iya, gue gak pernah SMA) tepatnya di pelajaran Biologi, kita ada praktek cek golongan darah dan… hasilnya golongan darah gue A positif. Loh?

Sampailah tadi pagi, gue ke kampus buat galau bareng Aulia. Hahaha. Kebetulan saat itu ada bus donor darahnya PMI di depan gedung kampus. Iseng-iseng ngomong ke Aulia, “Eh… pengenlah donor darah.” Sebetulnya gue ngomong begitu karena dua bulan lalu ada acara donor darah di SMA, tapi karena berbagai pertimbangan (masih takut) gue gak donor.  Nah sejak itulah gue pengen coba donor darah. Aulianya jawab, “Yok aku temani. Yoklah.” Gue pun sempat ragu sebenarnya karena berbagai mitos yang beredar hahaha. Katanya yang bakal lemas sampai ada yang pingsan setelah donor. Aulia pun kayaknya semangat banget nyuruh gue donor. Akhirnya gue bilang bakal cek darah dulu, kalau emang kondisinya boleh, ya Wallahualam deh. Yang terjadi maka terjadilah.

Maka, dengan niat yang gak sampai seratus persen buat donor, gue pun mulai mengisi formulir donor. Gak sampai lima menit kemudian, gue masuk bus-nya bareng Aulia. Gue pun duduk dan diperiksa sama dokter. Aulia mukanya tegang+langang padahal yang bakal donor juga siapa kan. Sejujurnya, gue gak takut sih. Kepala gue cuma dipenuhi pikiran, bisa gak sih gue donor? Apa gue se-sehat itu buat donor? Gimana kalau… eh. Tapi alhamdulillah walau belum sarapan gue bisa donor kata dokternya. Golongan darah gue pun diperiksa, dan ternyata… A positif, sodara-sodara. Gak lama setelah itu, gue pun duduk di kursi donor. Nah, disini lah baru nervous karena sebelumnya gak pernah ada riwayat disuntik jarum segitu panjangnya. Dan ternyata… gak sakit sama sekali. Cuma terasa dingin sebentar. Lebih kurang 15 menit-an, proses donornya pun selesai. Sama orang PMI-nya dikasih jus, biskuit, obat penambah darah dan juga kartu donor.

Alhamdulillah, hari itu dilalui dengan baik-baik aja. Malahan agak aktif karena persiapan surprise ultahnya Delvi. Cuma sorenya agak capek aja sih. Selain itu juga, barusan pas buka plesternya, kulit gue agak membiru-ungu gitu. Searching di google barusan katanya itu bakal hilang, jadi gak khawatir sih. Malam ini gue banyak baca artikel di google tentang donor darah (padahal harusnya sebelum donor ya hehe) dan benar sih… secara psikologis kita merasa bahagia setelah donor darah. Walau belum tau ya darah kita bakal dipakai atau enggak, tapi rasanya senang. Jadi, buat teman-teman yang darahnya baik-baik aja (?) dan masih sehat, ayo donor darah.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

PPL ends

After 3 months, this program will be ended soon (3 days from today). I really learned a lot from this program. I have to say that being a teacher is an extremely hard job. So in this occasion I would like to say thank you to all teacher in the world, especially those who taught me.
I feel it’s really hard because since this school use Kurikulum 2013 revisi, there are a lot of things that must be prepared before teaching. We have to prepare LK.1 until LK.4 which includes the analysis, RPP, and many others. It’s also worsen by the reality that English is only taught once a week (2x45 minutes). How could they learn English well if it is just taught once a week?
I also helped the teacher preparing the questions for semester test, assessing the semester test result, analyzing the score, input the final score, sending it by email, and also preparing the e-rapport which is really draining my energy. Actually it is not really hard doing the e-rapport, but facing the fact that you have to edit 40 data and print 16 pages for each student (which means we have to print 40x16=640 pages) is quite startling. Fortunately it was only for one class though. I kinda feel sorry for the teachers who don’t really know how to use it. For us who can’t live without our gadget, of course it’s not a big deal, but not for some teachers. Some of them are really great, some of them can operate the computer/laptop but it needs longer time for them and even the others cannot really use it. I am not dissing them, because this is the fact that the government need to know.
So, if you ask me whether or not I want to be a teacher, the answer is no (with a deep sigh). I am not really sure actually. Lol. I want to improve the education in this country (my big dream), but could I really do it just by being a teacher? I really hate the fact that NILAI is everything. In this country, grade determines your future. Is it fair? In short, through this PPL program I realized that the education system in this country is not that good. I realized that my knowledge is not enough. I kept on thinking what did I learn in university? Why does everything seems different? (another deep sigh) I think I have to learn harder before being a teacher. Fighting.

Monday, January 2, 2017


A lot of things happen in 2016. Actually in the beginning of 2016, I was hoping that I could skip this year since there are two things in this year that I could not avoid. But now I realize that 2016 was a year of many new experiences. In the beginning of the year, I traveled abroad and that was the really first time travelling abroad, alone (not literally alone, Im with my friend), without my parents. It was great, seriously.

I also experienced the annoying process of selecting the KUKERTA location. I have to say that it was a hard time for me, mentally. I didn't want to go away from home for two months and live in an unfamiliar place with some unknown friends and socializing with people whom I dont know. My brain was filled by strange thought for about three or four months before I realized that I was wrong. It was not that bad. I was grateful that I didn't reset my choice and choose another location. It was another great experience in 2016. I met new friends and a new family.

After KUKERTA, it was the time for PPL. A lot of things crossed to my mind after finishing PPL. I gained a lot of new knowledge and experience. I have to say that being a teacher is hard, physically and mentally. I haven't decide whether or not I will be a teacher, because it was not easy.

In short, I think I did well in 2016. Lol. Of course I lack a lot, but I'll try to be a better grown-up this year. Fighting!